Sunday, February 28, 2010

Behind the name


I thought I'd start my blog with alittle bit of an explanation of it's title and how I'd like to experiment with this in meeting the requirements of my studies which I'll explain later.

An interactive blackboard represents the changing momentum within the education system away from traditional structures including the classic blackboard. I hope through the medium of this blog to demonstrate some of the classroom activities I develop and offer reflections on issues, concepts and random ideas. Innovation in the field from instructional education to engagment focused learning experiences will be the criteria. Alas technology is progressing at an alarming rate and it is not possible to keep up. I hope to develop a style of teaching which strives on investigative approaches and practical renewal to capture emerging technics as they become mainstream for implementation in the modern classroom.

My apologies to any who view and cringe, I am a student teacher and this is all part of a journey.