Sunday, March 21, 2010

An Avatar in Education

Hi All,

Hope you've enjoyed meeting tony the first of what I imagine will be many avatars used in my blog in coming weeks. The ability to integrate such an amazing technology in both a practical and stimulating visual sense blows me away.

Imagine a class on french history, with Napoleon or a an American politics class with George W & Hillary Clinton.




  1. This technology can be easily transfered to most web based sites including FACEBOOK...

  2. Hey Nigel,

    I had the same reaction when discovering voki avatars in this subjet.

    I hadn't encountered vokis before and am amazed that this technology is available free of charge online!! Can honestly see myself using this ICT in the classroom and can also see how students would love experimenting with such as fun, user friendly technology - choosing and customising characters, adding their own text or speech etc.

    Any aids that can; be customised to suit the topic or cohort, inject some creativity into the learning process, engage learners and generally make the process more exciting for learners are fine in my books… or perhaps I should say, my blog, wiki, podcast, interactive whiteboard etc… :-)


    Check out my blog at:
