Sunday, March 14, 2010

Cross Matching - A world of choice, a web of distrust

So it's week three of this exercise in education, learning and life balance.
I shall confess I've been scared, and it has influenced the lack of blog posts so far. But alas have no doubt I shall go back and update with information from previous weeks in the near future.

I've found it very hard as an only recently finished student to re-engage not only with the course content but with the concept of study, reading and committing to understanding. I think this was exasperated by my lack of knowledge in the field and the non-existence of a natural sense of ability. We need to feel capable to build confidence which creates an internal environment fostering learning.


On to the topic as listed. ICT for learning design encourages students to experience the use of enumerate web based programs which afford the opportunity to express and design learning opportunities and experiences. This is exciting, and I've never recognised the extent to which these programs (some of which I've heard of but most of which I've never considered using) create platforms which can easily be integrated into learning formats.

The issue I face is making decisions as to what would be most appropriate, and in recognising the number of choices, trying to integrate these on a multi platform level.
Some programs such as Blogger, Google Reader etc seem to work effectively individually, but how to integrate you tube, or a twitter into this things and to merge them together to create multi platforms seems quiet complex. This is something I'll be seeking to discuss with my lecturer and will let you know about further.

So in a dot point. Some many ways to do things, so many programs. At times feel very stretched to use them all, yet at the same time struggle to cross-link use them.


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