Thursday, April 1, 2010

ICT's struggle, failures and lessons.


Well friends,

As the title suggests ICT's can be a struggle. I personally struggle not just with the technology but with my personal need for perfection. In facing this challenge I've created three wiki spaces in the last month but not one would I allow anyone else to see. I'm not sure if it's just a technology to far for me, or if it's an inability to grasp the tools, or if it's more a poor standard of effort combined with late nights etc etc. I hope in reflection it's A & B but I think the C may have a causal influence. It's all about honesty on the web they say ;)

Failures represents the expectation of what is possible as opposed to the actual possibility. I've often had great ideas including a Dalmatian rescue wiki, and a brief learners combined journal which could be worked on and read by their families at home. But in using the technology I honestly couldn't connect the dots. So far was the pain I called upon a friend who did a degree from CQU in IT, but turns out IT guru's tend to only know their field, same as educators and so little more then our combined common sense prevailed.

There is a lesson in this, that our abilities in ICT will dictate what technologies we use, and will determine how we use them. To end on a positive note, in bring in a friend for support, I've now got someone who is interested and would happily look over my ICT programs, to suggest improvements.



  1. Hi Nigel

    I agree with you that ICTs can be a struggle. My mentor teacher told me that a lot of teachers just don't use ICTs in their classrooms because they find them difficult to use or time consuming. However, with a little perseverance it's amazing how quickly you learn.

    all the best

  2. Thanks Josh, HMMMM maybe I should have come to you for help. You going to study group on monday?

  3. BTW josh this was my best attempt, I could make pages and added voki's and thing but couldn't get them to link together.
