Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The World Wide Web & sorting the good, the bad and the un-necessary


As part of our studies we're encouraged to follow blogs, engage through online journals, and follow fellow educators and fellow learners on their journeys. Now for anyone who has use of the Internet, it's easy to see how it can become a quagmire of individuals, pop up boxes, and sometimes little bits of gold

ICT for Learning Design advocated the use of google reader as a way to collect these bits of gold and then have the ability to review updates without facing the entirety of the www.

This has been positive in three ways,
1) the program is relatively easy to use and access
2) google reader can assist in cross platform actions, ie when I wanted to copy a said text from my reader, to my private blog, the feed button made the process simpler.
3) the sorting, and change settings allows you to reevaluate your priorities and what you need/should read as opposed to whats available

A thought for inclusion in the classroom, is for a journalism unit in literacy. If learners were producing regular blog posts, this program could allow me to view the 25 with less hassle.

Also within a professional development context, it's a great tool for linking with blogs like the beyond school etc


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